Category: Articles

Why organizational change projects fail and how to prevent implementation disaster

New IT installations often fail. At least that’s the widespread belief surrounding organizational change initiatives today. One frequently cited study from the 1993 book Reengineering the Corporation goes as far as saying that as many as 70% of the organizations that undertake a reengineering effort do not achieve the dramatic results they intended. A more recent McKinsey

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AI artificial intelligence

How artificial intelligence (AI) can help retailers stay in business in moments of crisis

A Forbes article published in 2019 highlighted AI and AR in retail, astonishing how important these technologies would end up being a few short months later.

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online commerce pandemic

Online commerce in times of pandemic… Think local, it’s a winning proposition!

For future purchases, during this pandemic focus on a company that has a local presence and online commerce. Think local first !

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LS Central Payment

Purchasing a New POS System? 5 Things to Keep in Mind

Purchasing a new POS system can be nerve-wracking, the right platform should combine commerce, customers, inventory and fulfillment into a single system.

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Lessons Learned from Doing a Large Point Of Sale Implementation

Important Lessons Learned from Doing a Large Point Of Sale Implementation

Important lessons to learn from a large-scale Point Of Sale implementation – a complex and interdisciplinary venture.

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Retailers’ Aging POS Platforms in Need of a Makeover to Keep up

With the average age of POS platform being 6.9 years, retailers need to address aging and outdated POS systems.

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millennial consumer

Everything You Need to Know About the Millennial Consumer

No demographic is as appealing to marketers as the millennial consumer, those folks born between 1981 and 2000.

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