online commerce pandemic

Online commerce in times of pandemic… Think local, it’s a winning proposition!

For future purchases, during this pandemic focus on a company that has a local presence and online commerce. Think local first !

Together let’s keep our Quebec merchants top of mind!

The daily and future health of all Quebec merchants is increasingly precarious with the current crisis, which is unprecedented. We have started a marathon where the finish line is still unknown. Several merchants have already begun to close their doors to the public for various reasons including safety, government mandates and non-existent traffic due to the current situation.

A big concern of merchants is that many customers will turn massively to online commerce in order to complete their purchases and more to an electronic commerce platform beyond our borders rather than favoring a business that has a place of business in Quebec.

Last year, Quebecers spent nearly $10 billion on online purchases, and only 20% of these purchases were injected into businesses located in Quebec.

According to a survey by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, more than 25% of Quebec merchants will be at risk in the coming month.

Read the survey here >>

Together for local merchants and together for our business community.

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